
在我们的集训中, 赌钱app可以微信提现的三年厨师学徒计划, you’ll learn the skills you need to become a leader in a professional kitchen and earn your Associate of Applied Science Degree.


After acceptance into the 厨师学徒 program at 哪个app可以赌足球, you will register with the 劳工部 and work as a paid chef apprentice under the supervision of an experienced 美国烹饪联合会-qualified chef.

Graduating apprentices can qualify to sit for the 美国烹饪联合会’s practical (actual 烹饪) and written exams to become a Certified Sous Chef. This achievement tells future employers that you have reached a high degree of culinary skill and knowledge.

在校园, you’ll complete classes and hands-on laboratory work using industry-standard equipment and supplies in our seven world-class professional kitchens. 您的课程将包括:

  • 烘焙的各个方面, 烹饪, 还有食物准备, 从制作简单的沙拉酱到手工制作面包, to butchering an entire hog and producing smoked hams and complex sausages, 包括园经理(冷食配制).
  • 监督和人力资源管理.
  • Kitchen facilities design and management, including safety and sanitation.
  • 营养和健康膳食计划的基础知识.
  • 热情好客 accounting and operational cost control for profit.
  • 关于采购和菜单设计计划的研讨会.

Eligible students must be 18 years old and have a high school diploma or the equivalent for consideration in this selective admission program. 被录取的学生必须能够长时间工作, 艰难的行走和站立在一个快节奏, 体力要求高的环境.

Students are also responsible for gaining employment in an approved apprenticeship kitchen (our apprentices are in very high demand, 找工作从来都不是问题).



Partnership with John Knox Village prepares future chefs

Students in the 厨师学徒 program are working alongside seasoned professionals at John Knox Village venues, gaining real-world experience while providing mouthwatering menu options for residents. 看看这个视频了解更多.


Future employers know 赌钱app可以微信提现 culinary graduates bring more than a strong foundation of kitchen skills. You’ll also understand the management and financial sides of the business. 我们的 厨师学徒 graduates go on to run kitchens in restaurants, 乡村俱乐部, 和酒店, 或者拥有自己的餐厅.

在36000平方英尺的空间里磨砺你的技能 怀利酒店和烹饪学院,其特点是:

  • Five culinary labs fully equipped with restaurant-standard appliances and tools.
  • An innovative kitchen where you’ll learn how to creatively adapt your skills in challenging scenarios.
  • A culinary theater with a demonstration kitchen, where you can watch experts in action.

我们的 faculty chefs are highly qualified; collectively, 他们拥有许多研究生学位, 高级厨师认证, 荣誉, 烹饪比赛奖牌. They have decades of combined experience working in restaurants, 私人俱乐部, 酒店, 和世界各地的度假村.

赌钱app可以微信提现’s 厨师学徒 program was the first to get accreditation from the 美国烹饪联合会 Educational Institute and is currently the largest in the country. 它是由 美国烹饪联合会, 大堪萨斯城厨师协会,和 U.S. 劳工部.

我们的 酒店管理咨询委员会 provides expert advice on a variety of issues to ensure that graduates earning degrees or certificates from 赌钱app可以微信提现 are prepared to enter the workforce and become immediately productive.


Cecilia Knight被评为2020年赌钱app可以微信提现厨师学徒!

恭喜塞西莉亚·奈特, named 赌钱app可以微信提现 Chef Apprentice of 2020 by the 美国烹饪联合会 (ACF) GKC Chefs Association.

Learn more about this prestigious award and how you could follow in Cecilia’s footsteps!


赌钱app可以微信提现 maintains one of the most competitive college culinary teams in the United States and the world. 2018年的球队是美国全国冠军.

赌钱app可以微信提现 students also represent our country as the Student Chef component of the U.S. 美食奥运代表队 并定期到世界各地参加比赛. All students who are willing to make the time commitment to practice are eligible to join this team.

“教学从未停止. 它发生在走廊里,它发生在任何地方. The knowledge never stops flowing between students and faculty in this beautiful facility.”

对熟练的专业厨师的需求很高. Graduates of the 厨师学徒 program at 赌钱app可以微信提现 are highly recruited by restaurants, 俱乐部, 和酒店, 并且经常为他们中的佼佼者而竞争. We have a 100 percent placement rate for all of our culinary graduates.

美国.S. 劳工部 compiles statistics on careers involving culinary arts. You’ll find information specifically related to careers in Kansas, 包括工资信息和工作前景. 看看下面:

Find employment projections and salary information at the Power BI研究生报告.

Students who want to attend college may be stressed about the cost associated with pursuing higher education. 我们的 team at 赌钱app可以微信提现 is always working to keep 学费 costs affordable for all students.


Additional fees may be required for textbooks and other supplies. The cost of these items will vary depending on what courses you plan to complete in the Chef Apprentice Program.

There are several things to consider when budgeting for college. 访问我们的 出勤费用页面 详细信息.

哪个app可以赌足球, we have many resources and tools available to help with student success. 从小班授课到一对一辅导, 赌钱app可以微信提现可以提供更加个性化的学习体验.

For students looking to lower their out-of-pocket expenses, speaking to one of our counselors in the 财政援助办事处 to inquire about loan and/or scholarship opportunities is a great benefit.

我们的 学术咨询 服务,以及 职业发展中心, can help students create a career plan for after they graduate.

如果你想 将赌钱app可以微信提现的学分转到另一所学校, we try to make the process as easy as possible for you.